Thursday, April 8, 2010

Hot tub? No boiling it too late to jump?

We have all heard that if you toss a frog in boiling water, he will jump out. But if you place a frog in cold water and slowly turn the heat up it will float there quite placidly. As the water gradually heats up, the frog will sink into a tranquil stupor, and before long it will unresistingly allow itself to be boiled to death.

I am not sure if this really works. I wasn’t going to try it and find out. First of all I don’t touch frogs and secondly I didn’t want one loose in my kitchen. But I am almost 100% positive that this technique works with people. I believe that we are all sitting in a big pot and the water is beginning to boil.

Why do you ask well it is because we have not taught this those that have graduated from high school in the past 30 or so years to think for themselves. Our education system is broke and we have allowed it. We have allowed this system to teach the test…don’t color outside the lines, don’t think for yourself. Just remember what I say and then spit it back at me come test time. I remember when I was a kid in school they didn’t want the parents there…no we will take of your baby just drop them at the door and pick them up there.

I know you are probably rolling your eyes wondering what in the world has gotten me on this rip roaring tare. Well I work at a university and today I had a student tell me that our situation today (the economy, loss of jobs, stock market nose diving, high prices, uncontrolled government spending) was all GW Bush’s fault. Now I am not a die heart Bush fan so I can see where “some” of that is true; HOWEVER, no one seems to remember that as Bush was taking office the first time he warned us that the stock market was headed down. That we had to do something about these toxic loans floating around out there. No one seems to remember that the Clinton administration is the one that started those toxic loans. Clinton’s thing was every American should own their own home it would be could for the economy.

So here we have sat for hundreds of years in this pot of water and now we are starting to boil but we have gotten used to the temperature and like it. Our government crossed the line and stepped out of it boundaries and we chant “Yes We Can” for the first time in history social security is paying out more in benefit’s a month than they will take in and here we sit in this pot chanting “Yes We Can.” Our president just signed a health care bill that steps WAY OVER the line of government control and many of spoke out and said NO we don’t want it but did DC listen NO does DC care NO so here we sit in this pot of boiling water and this generation that is coming up is bowing down and worshipping at the feet of those on Madison Ave because they can not think for themselves. We have told them for so long no don’t think just listen and spit back what we say on the test. Well it is test time and guess what they are spitting back exactly what they are being told “Yes We Can”

We have to break this vicious cycle. We must force those coming up to think for themselves. To dig for the facts, to go outside of the main stream media and find the answers for themselves. They must learn to read between the lines not just repeat the words. Parents what have we done?


  1. When you {we} decide to jump out of the pot, be prepared to stand in the flame

  2. True CEP but at least we are thinking for ourselves and not like lambs led to slaughter.
