I have been working on
something for the past few months and I am so excited about it.
By no means am I offering medical advice to anyone. I am just sharing what I have witnessed and experienced. I believe that we have created super bugs by taking antibiotics for everything. I want to lean more on natural cures, things that the super bugs have not adapted to and grow in spite of us taking them.
I have jumped head first into working with and using
essential oils. I couldn’t be more pleased. Yes I am living up to my nickname-
Earthmuffin. Lou would be proud that she named me correctly. LOL I have always
loved herbs to cook with and have had a desire to learn more about them. But
some health issues with my darling hubby lead me to oils and I have seen
wonderful results in just a few short applications. Just to give a few
My first guinea
pig was my husband. He had several things going on so we played with my oils. First,
we used Di Gize oil blend for his hay fever. AWESOME is the only word I can
think of to describe it. I want to get a personal diffuser so he will always
have it with him. Second, he has tennis elbow, which is micro tears in the
muscles and tendons around the elbow. He was going through physical therapy but
it didn’t seem to help. We started using Pan Away for the pain and he sleeps
through the night now. We are also using Lemongrass to promote the repair of
the tissue.
One of the women I go to church with was bitten by her cat and
it was red, hot to the touch and extremely sore. So we used Lemon, Frankincense, and Pan Away oil blend. In
less than a week her arm was clear and had only had one little scab over the deepest
puncture wound.
The custodian where
I work was in an accident over the weekend. When I saw her yesterday morning her
arm was purple and very painful. I had Gentle Baby oil blend with me and we
applied it in the morning and afternoon. This morning it was nowhere near as
purple and she said it was not painful today either. We applied Gentle Baby
again and we will apply it before she goes home. Hopefully by tomorrow she will
be as good as new.
I have used Pan
Away myself and I can tell you it is a wonder oil. We had gone away for the
weekend and I didn’t take my pillow. We arrived home Sunday evening and I was
so tired I didn’t even unpack I just went straight to bed. I got up yesterday
morning and could barely move my left arm. The muscle strain from sleeping on
horrible pillows had caught up to me. I applied Pan Away yesterday morning and
last night today I can move my arm.
I love Gentle
Baby. I had a wart removed from my face (this is what started my adventure in
oils) and the scar just was not going away. I have a friend that is a distributor
for Young Living Essential Oils and she sent me Gentle Baby. I started using on
the scar and now the hard knot that was the scar tissue under the skin is half
the size it was and the scar is hardly visible. You have to look for it because
it is no longer red.
Tea Tree oil is
another of my favorites. I have a bad habit of wearing shoes without socks. I
wore a cheap pair of shoes and developed a skin rash from it. It spread like wildfire
over my foot. Seriously, it looked like I had scalded my foot with hot water. I
went to the doctor and he said I had athletes foot and told me to get some OTC
foot spray. Well it worked for a while but it kept coming back. Someone told me
about Tea Tree oil and I picked some up and started using it. I used it once a
day on my foot and I am pleased to see that the rash is gone and has not come
back; another benefit has been my dry cracked heels have healed and are nice
and smooth.
By no means am I offering medical advice to anyone. I am just sharing what I have witnessed and experienced. I believe that we have created super bugs by taking antibiotics for everything. I want to lean more on natural cures, things that the super bugs have not adapted to and grow in spite of us taking them.
I have since
revamped my first aid kit and now it is stocked with oils. Next I want to learn
about the herbs that make these oils. So…I am going back to school. I have
found a course online where I can become a master herbalist. Like I said I am
so excited. I can’t wait to delve into something new. With all of these super
germs out there a ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure. A strong immune
system is the first step in preventing illness so if can prevent getting sick
then I am going to figure out a way…
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